Kekerasan Pada Tokoh Perempuan Dalam Novel Minoel Karya Ken Terate


  • Rafiqaty Esa Putri Universitas Negeri Padang
  • M. Ismail Nasution Universitas Negeri Padang



sosiologi sastra, novel, kekerasan pada perempuan


This research will describe the violence against women that can be seen physically and verbally in Ken Terate's novel Minoel. This research uses a type of literary research that was developed using descriptive methods. The data source is Minoel's novel, written by Ken Terate. The data were analyzed in the following ways: 1) classifying data, 2) then interpreting it by connecting findings with reality while criticizing the results of the analysis carried out and connecting them with existing theories, and 3) concluding the data analysis and writing reports on the results of the analysis. However, the data will be checked beforehand to avoid errors. The results of this study indicate the forms, causes, and impacts of violence against women.


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How to Cite

Rafiqaty Esa Putri, & M. Ismail Nasution. (2023). Kekerasan Pada Tokoh Perempuan Dalam Novel Minoel Karya Ken Terate. Persona: Kajian Bahasa Dan Sastra, 2(1), 44–54.


