Kekerabatan Bahasa Batak Mandailing dan Bahasa Batak Angkola (Tapanuli) di Kabupaten Pasaman


  • Silvia Hasanah Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Ermanto



language kinship, bahasa Batak Angkola (Tapanuli), bahasa Batak Mandailing, Comparative Historical Linguistics


This article compares the kinship relationship between the Mandailing Batak language and the Angkola Batak language (Tapanuli) through an analysis of 200 Swadesh vocabularies. The research aims to achieve three objectives: (1) determine the percentage of kinship between the Mandailing Batak language and the Angkola Batak language (Tapanuli) in Pasaman Regency, (2) establish the length of time since the separation of the Mandailing Batak language and the Angkola Batak language (Tapanuli) in Pasaman Regency, and (3) explain the sound correspondence between the Mandailing Batak language and the Angkola Batak language (Tapanuli) in Pasaman Regency. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used in this study. The results reveal a kinship relationship between the Mandailing Batak language and the Angkola Batak language (Tapanuli), as evidenced by 98 shared words. Additionally, the sound correspondence includes the replacement of sounds/phonemes in 10 words, the reduction of sounds/phonemes in 16 words, and the addition of sounds/phonemes in 18 words. The calculated percentage indicates a 71% kinship between the Mandailing Batak language and the Angkola Batak language (Tapanuli) out of the 200 glosses obtained. The two languages separated approximately 1,234 years ago, starting from 2022, supporting the conclusion that they belong to the same subfamily.


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How to Cite

Hasanah, S., & Ermanto. (2022). Kekerabatan Bahasa Batak Mandailing dan Bahasa Batak Angkola (Tapanuli) di Kabupaten Pasaman. Persona: Kajian Bahasa Dan Sastra, 1(1), 123–130.


