Tindak Tutur Direktif dalam Dialog Film Devil On Top karya Anggy Umbara
directive speech acts, devil on top movie, anggy umbaraAbstract
This article aims to describe the types of directive speech acts used in the dialog of Anggy Umbara's Devil on Top and to describe the speech strategies in directive speech acts used in the dialog of Anggy Umbara's Devil on Top. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive method. The data of this research are utterances in the form of sentences containing directive speech acts and speech strategies in directive speech acts in the dialog of the film Devil on Top. The data source used is oral source in the form of dialogs of the characters contained in the film Devil on Top. This data collection technique is using the basic techniques of free listening, recording techniques, and data transcription techniques by transferring oral data into written data. Based on the data analysis, there are two research findings. First, based on the type of directive speech acts, five speech acts were found, namely directive speech acts of ordering, suggesting, pleading, demanding, and challenging. Second, based on the strategy, there are three types of strategies in directive speech acts, namely speaking frankly without pleasantries, speaking strategies with positive politeness and speaking strategies with negative politeness. The directive speech act of telling is the dominant speech act used in the movie and the dominant speech strategy used is the speech strategy with positive politeness.
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