Potret Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga dalam Novel Bumi dan Lukanya karya Revianaaprl
domestic violence, bumi dan lukanya, sociologi of literatureAbstract
Research on domestic violence is a topic that must be known and studied. This study
aims to determine the forms of violence, factors causing violence, and the impact of violence
in the novel Bumi dan Lukanya by Revianaaprl. This research is a qualitative research using
descriptive method. The data collection techniques used in this research are reading and
understanding the novel Bumi dan Lukanya by Revianaaprl, searching for and recording
event characters related to the portrait of domestic violence in the novel Bumi dan Lukanya
by Revianaaprl, and inventorying data into the data inventory format related to the novel
Bumi dan Lukanya by Revianaaprl. The technique of analyzing data in this study is to
identify and classify data related to forms of violence, factors that cause violence, and the
impact of violence, interpret data, draw conclusions and write reports in accordance with the
theory of literary sociology. The results show that the forms of violence in the novel are
personal violence and structural violence. The causal factors of violence found include:
individual factors, social factors, cultural factors, environmental factors, and family history
factors. The impact of domestic violence in the novel is divided into two, namely physical
impact and psychological impact. The violence that emerges is a picture of the existing social
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