Potret Peduli Lingkungan Dalam Novel Si Anak Pemberani Karya Tere Liye: Kajian Ekokritik Sastra
environmental care, , human and environmental relations, Novel Si Anak Pemberani, literary ecocriticismAbstract
This study aims to explain the form of environmental care in the novel Si Anak Pemberani by Tere Liye, and the relationship between humans and the environment in the novel Si Anak Pemberani by Tere Liye. The theory used in this study is the theory of literary ecocriticism. This study is a literary study using a descriptive method. The data source used is the novel Si Anak Pemberani by Tere Liye. The results of this study are the forms of environmental care and the relationship between humans and the environment contained in the novel Si Anak Pemberani by Tere Liye. (1) Forms of environmental care are; (a) respectful attitude towards nature, (b) responsible attitude towards nature, (c) compassionate attitude and concern for nature, (d) attitude of not harming nature, and (e) attitude of living simply and in harmony with nature. (2) The relationship between humans and the environment consisting of the concepts; (a) pollution, (b) wilderness, (c) apocalypse, (d) dwelling, (e) animals, and (f) earth.