Diskriminasi Gender oleh Budaya dalam Novel Silsilah Duka karya Dwi Ratih Ramadhany

Kajian Feminisme Multikultural


  • Rani Susanti Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Yenni Hayati Universitas Negeri Padang




Gender Discrimination, Women's Struggle, Sociology of Literature, Novel, Silsilah Duka


This study aims to describe: (1) the representation of discrimination against women by culture in the novel Silsilah Duka by Dwi Ratih Ramadhany, (2) the struggle of female characters facing acts of discrimination in the novel Silsilah Duka by Dwi Ratih Ramadhany. This study is a literary study using a descriptive method. The data in this study are in the form of dialogues, narratives, and descriptions that are relevant to gender discrimination by culture in the novel Silsilah Duka by Dwi Ratih Ramadhany. The data source for this study is the novel Silsilah Duka by Dwi Ratih Ramadhany, the first edition of which was published in September 2019. Data collection techniques include reading and understanding the contents of the novel, identifying the contents of the novel, conducting literature studies related to Madurese cultural customs, recording data related to gender discrimination by culture and inventorying data. The data validation technique uses the triangulation technique. The data analysis technique is classifying data, analyzing data and interpreting data, concluding research results and writing a report on the results of the analysis. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that (1) discrimination against women in the novel Silsilah Duka by Dwi Ratih Ramadhany includes (a) marginalization in the form of marginalization experienced by women, (b) stereotypes in the form of labeling an object that tends to be negative, (c) subordination in the form of actions that lower the position of women in terms of opportunities, and (d) double workload in the form of working more, as a housewife and earning a living. (2) the struggle of female characters in facing discrimination. 






