Narasi Traumatis dalam Novel Mei Merah 1998 Kala Arwah Berkisah karya Naning Pranoto

Sebuah Kajian Postmemory


  • Selvi Tryen Ningsih Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Yenni Hayati Universitas Negeri Padang



Novel, Postmemory, Trauma


This research aims to identify the forms of memory transmission in the novel "Mei Merah 1998 Kala Arwah Berkisah" by Naning Pranoto and the reconstruction of memory within the same novel. The theory used in this study is postmemory theory. This research is qualitative and employs a descriptive method. The data source for this study is the novel "Mei Merah 1998 Kala Arwah Berkisah" by Naning Pranoto. The steps for data collection in this research include reading and understanding the novel, noting data related to traumatic events in the novel, and inventorying the necessary data through the novel. The validation technique used in this study is triangulation. The data analysis technique involves classifying data based on narratives related to forms of memory transmission and memory reconstruction, analyzing and interpreting the data, drawing conclusions from the data analysis, and reporting the findings in the form of a report. The results of this study indicate that the forms of memory transmission consist of familial transmission and affiliative transmission. The reconstruction of memory in this novel illustrates how individuals recall traumatic experiences and reconstruct the meaning of past events.






