Struktur dan Fungsi Sosial Cerita Rakyat Dongeng Fabel Klasik Masyarakat Minangkabau di Nagari Kampung Pinang Kecamatan Lubuk Basung Kabupaten Agam


  • Wemi Putri Chania Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Hasanuddin WS Universitas Negeri Padang



Fairy tales, Classical Fables, Minangkabau, Nagari Kampung Pinang


This research aims to describe: (1) the structure of classic fable folklore of the Minangkabau community in Nagari Kampung Pinang, Lubuk Basung District, Agam Regency, and (2) the social function of classic fable folklore of the Minangkabau community in Nagari Kampung Pinang, Lubuk Basung District, Agam Regency. This type of research is literary research, focusing on oral literature or oral folklore. The data in this research are classic fable folk tales from the Minangkabau people in Nagari Kampung Pinang, Lubuk Basung District, Agam Regency. The data for this research are classic fable folk tales from the Minangkabau people in Nagari Kampung Pinang, Lubuk Basung District, Agam Regency. Data was collected from informants in two stages, namely (1) the stage of recording folk tales, classic fables of the Minangkabau people, and (2) the stage of collecting data about the storytelling environment. The data analysis technique used in this research consists of several stages, namely: (1) inventory stage, (2) identification stage, (3) classification stage, (4) discussion and conclusion stage of classification or data analysis results, and (5) reporting stage. The results of this research show that: First, The structure of classic Minangkabau folk tales in Nagari Kampung Pinang, Lubuk Basung District, Agam Regency consists of: (1) orientation, (2) complication, (3) resolution, and (4) coda. Second, The social function of classic Minangkabau folk tales in Nagari Kampung Pinang, Lubuk Basung District, Agam Regency consists of: (1) entertaining, (2) educating, (3) passing on, and (4) identity.





